Love Life Infinity

Archive for the tag “Patience”

Love Life#21


We all can wait, aren’t we?

The matter is, are we waiting with good attitude or with a lot of grumbles?

Everyday, we are waiting.

Waiting clients for appointment,
Waiting for bus to return home,
Waiting for friend to have dinner,
Waiting for parent to fetch us,
Waiting for teacher to come in,
Waiting your team mate who are slow,
Waiting the food in restaurant,
Waiting message/email reply from someone.

It’s even worst, when we are waiting while we are lacking time.

So, every time we end up with tonnes of grumbles and complains.

Consequently, it affects our relationship with others.

To prevent this situation to happen, we all do have responsibility.

We need to be punctual, it’s very important for every event or occasion in life, because we are stealing other’s time if we are late.

If we are late with good reason, then we shall be accountable, and honestly inform the person who is waiting that you will be late. This would reduce the conflict and misunderstanding.

If you are the person who are waiting, try not to think negatively about the person you are waiting, as a negative thought will multiply tonnes of negative thoughts.

We need to be considerate, and think of the big picture, that in order to make the meeting or appointment successful, we need to have good attitude. It’s one of the rules to maintain a healthy relationship with others.

Hence, let’s us learn to be patience starts from today and you can make a difference in your life.

Let’s Live Life and Love Life together. Cheers!

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